Monday, February 15, 2010

Knowing When to Move (and when not to)

Some time ago, in a Reiki Master class, I did a channeling of Mikao Usui, the founder of the Usui Reiki Ryoho. In the channeling, he described 6 levels of assessment from beginning Reiki practitioner at level 6 to Spiritual Master at level 1. He described himself as a level 2.

Level 1 was to know how to handle the world, to know how to make life changes when the world is changing.

I have been trying to know what to do as my life and practice continue to change. I feel a strong pull to Colorado, but also a pull (perhaps the pull of inertia) to stay where I am. And it continues to snow...and snow...and snow. Perhaps it is preparing me for a snowier place OR perhaps DC is becoming that place.

I feel like movement has been happening inspite of me. I'm not sure what to make of it. The movement is happening internally, constantly, effortlessly. When I focus on the negative, I'm exhausted, when I don't, I'm invigorated. It's like a self-adjusting robot that moves and assesses with each decision it makes.

I'm going into a shamanic place this week as I prepare materials for a Crystal Healing class coming up this weekend. That always takes me to a mystical region where everything is laden with meaning, even when my partner Steve says he wants summer peas for dinner; I start thinking about the summer, the harvest, sun, nature, and bliss.

I guess it's been that kind of day.

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