Saturday, April 11, 2009

Healing Angels of the Energy Field - 1st Class Session Taught - April 11, 2009

From 9:30am to 5:30pm, my students and I got a front row seat to the angelic beings used for healing in the Integrated Energy Therapy (R) system. This was the first time that I have taught an IET class since my Master Instructor training in February with Karen Puglia. I had taken the Angels class originally from Diane Shewmaker and used much of what she did in my teaching.

What I learned from it is that meditation and sharing take time, especially in those not used to meditating and sharing. There were a mix of ages and backgrounds in the class; many people found it a bit hard to concentrate, but we had a wonderful connection as a group between both people and angels.

The class, taught at my parents' house in Minnesota, was cozy, energetic, and alternating between hot and cold temps from the energy transmissions. Each angel (there are nine) took 10-15 minutes of meditation, 5 minutes of writing on our intentions and another 5 of writing about the messages we received, plus 5 minutes per person sharing about their experiences. That created about 45 minutes per angel.

In the future, the students thought we should break the class into at least two parts (hard on the tushie to sit for 7 hours in one day). I also thought that seven students was a bit large to share in one group (some sharings about each angel meditation took 35-40 minutes). I think the ideal size for this class would be 5 students.

You can find out more information about the Angels class and Integrated Energy Therapy at or the main site for the modality at Our next Angels class is scheduled for August 16, 2009 in Rockville, Maryland.

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