Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Journey Continues...Clothing as a Theme for Life

I can't believe how many pieces of clothing two people can acquire in 46 years in a house! Shirt after shirt after sweatshirt after Hawaiian shirt after cowboy boots after stetson hat after coat after coat after coat after tie after belt after shoes after underwear, etc. The focus on what is there is that it seems nothing is there, so more clothing is purchased. It's all so overwhelming.

My sister Jan and I worked hard with Dad today clearing out LOTS of clothing. He from a position of keeping the kids from getting rid of HIS stuff and us from the point of view of minimizes 1970's fashion don'ts from moving with him to his new digs. I think it was basically a draw, but we have about six more bags for giveaway.

This evening, Mom saw the new apartment for the first time and cried a bit. She sees this experience as ending, rather than a beginning or, possibly, the beginning of the end. It was bittersweet to see her Tobie Mug collection put out in her new, smaller kitchen. One door closes and another opens.

Another dinner, this time to the Granite City, where I dined on the fish of Minnesota (caught in Canada) walleyed pike. Delicious! These dinners at the end of the day allow all of us to connect and be civilized after a day of intensity.

I'm feeling like I'm ready to let go of some of my own stuff, emotional and physical, to get ready to move forward in my own life after this experience. A totally unexpected result from this visit, I would say.

Today, I was able to let go of anger when talking with my brother, telling him that I was giving him a status report, not asking for directions, when being directed by him to do a list of things not already on my list. We're all scared and feeling a bit rudderless lately. I'm getting used to the new parents, trying to work with their limitations while still feeling the love for them as people, spirits, and beings in transition.

Thanks for listening...

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